Retail window film for multiple benefits.

Are you interested in retail window film, Kansas City shop owners? If you have not yet heard of this affordable and cutting-edge product, we are here to tell you that it is not just one product. Rather, there is a whole line of retail window film products on the market, and each one can offer you some unique benefits. Let’s take a look at the options currently available to retail store owners:

1. Decorative window film: This product is a top choice for retail locations. It can offer the look of expensive etched or painted glass, or provide the look of colored glass, patterned glass, or even stained glass. This window film product can give a retail space an instant facelift, a pop of color or texture or interest to any window, glass door, or glass divider in the space. But there’s another use for decorative window film, and that’s to make use of your windows for advertising purposes. With this type of retail window film, Kansas City shop owners can customize it with any message they’d like. Do you have a sale going on? Are you under new management? Have you just received a new product line or a hot new item with a lot of buzz? Why not use your shop’s windows to advertise these kinds of messages and draw the attention of passersby?

Kansas City mannequin

2. Energy saving window film: If your retail location has a lot of exterior glass, doors, windows or walls, you might find that keeping the shop warm in Kansas City’s winters and cool in Kansas City’s summers is really running up your heating and cooling bills. With this kind of retail window film, Kansas City retail store owners have an affordable and practical way to cut those bills by making all of that glass much more thermally efficient!

3. Security/loss prevention window film: We suspect you already have a security or alarm system in your retail store. But many clients report to us that they are worried about a specific type of crime: the smash and grab. Because no alarm can prevent a vandal or thief from smashing your windows, but our loss prevention window film can. With this type of retail window film, Kansas City retailers can have much greater peace of mind when they lock up at night. And even if someone does attempt to smash the glass, it will stay intact in the window frame, denying the thief entry and saving you a messy cleanup the following day.

For more information about our full line of retail window film, Kansas City and any of the surrounding areas, please give us a call today. We’re happy to answer any questions and offer a quote for a window film job.